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Karhi Pakora Recipe
Chicken Pakora
Gurh waley chawal / jaggery rice
Pasta recipe
Karhi Pakora Recipe

Karhi Pakora Recipe
Karhi Pakora Recipe

Kadhi Pakora Recipe

Here is the list of ingredients used in the Kadhi Pakora recipe in the order.


  • Half Kg Dahi
  • 250 grams of Gram Flour
  • Namak (Salt)
  • Laal Mirch (Red Pepper)
  • Haldi (Tumeric)
  • Safaid Zeera (Cummin)
  • 1 Liter of Water
  • Adrak (ginger) Chopped
  • Pyaz (Onion) Chopped
  • Saabat Dhaniya (Whole Coriander)
  • Hari Mirchain (Green Pepper)
  • Hara Dhaniyan (Coriander Leaves)
  • Metha Soda (Baking Soda)
  • Surkh Mirch (Red Pepper) Sabit
  • Oil

Prepare Kadhi

Start the stove on normal temperature and add Half Kg Dahi. Further, add 125 grams of Gram Flour and mix it well. Add Namak (Salt) 1 tablespoon, Laal Mirch (Red Pepper) 1 tablespoon, and Haldi (Tumeric) ½ tablespoon. Also add Safaid Zeera (Cummin) 1 tablespoon and mix it well. Add one Liter of water and cook for 5 minutes at low temperature. Add Adrak (ginger) Chopped 2 tablespoon, Pyaz (Onion) Chopped 4 tablespoon and mix it. Then add Saabat Dhaniya (Whole Coriander) 1 tablespoon and cook it for 5 minutes. Therefore, this is the end of step 1.

Step Two, Pakoras!

Now we do step 2. For the second step, you need to take separate 125 grams of Basen (Gram Flour), add Namak (Salt)1 tablespoon, Laal Mirch (Red Pepper) 1 tablespoon. Also add Haldi (Tumeric) ½ tablespoon, 1 Pyaz (Onion) Chopped, and Adrak (ginger) Chopped 1 tablespoon. However, now add Hari Mirchain (Green Pepper) 1 tablespoon, Hara Dhaniyan (Coriander Leaves) and Saabat Dhaniya (Whole Coriander) 1 tablespoon.

Mix Kadhi & Pakoras from Step 1 & 2

Tired enough to add things? You don’t have to be tired of that long, as step 2 will be completed soon. Add Safaid Zeera (Cummin) ½ tablespoon, Metha Soda (Baking Soda) ¼ tablespoon and mix it with water. Mix the material until the material is neither in liquid form nor a solid form. Fry chunks of this material in oil so that your Pakora’s get ready.

Put the fried Pakoras in the separated material made earlier at the end of step 1. Mix it well.

No Tarka, No Maza!

Take a little oil and add Surkh Mirch (Red Pepper) Sabit. Furthermore, Add Safaid Zeera (Cummin) ½ tablespoon and fry it for 2 minutes on normal temperature. Now Put the Kadhi Pakora in a Bowl, add the Tarka(Fried Cummin and Red Pepper) material above it.

Kadhi Pakora Recipe is ready to serve with tarka. Eat Kadhi Pakora recipe with a garma garam chapati and enjoy it. Hence, a little credit to Ammi Jaan Kitchen.

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Chicken Pakora

Chicken Pakora

Chicken Pakora Recipe

Here is the list of ingredients used in the recipe in the order.


  • Chicken 1 Kg
  • Namak (Salt)
  • Laal Mirch Pessi Wi (Red Pepper)
  • Haldi (Tumeric)
  • Laal Mirch Kuti Wi (Red Pepper)
  • Tikka Masala ½ tablespoon
  • Garam Masala ½ tablespoon
  • Sirka (Vinegar) 2 tablespoon
  • Lemon Sause 1
  • Mix it Well
  • Dahi (Yogurt) 2 tablespoon
  • Basen (Gram Flour)
  • Cornflour 1 tablespoon
  • Suji (Semolina) 1 tablespoon
  • Water

Prepare Chicken Pakora Recipe

Let’s prepare the recipe. First, you want to prepare the chicken material. For this, you need Chicken 1 Kg in a bowl and add Namak (Salt) ½ tablespoon. Now add Laal Mirch Pessi Wi (Red Pepper) ½ tablespoon, Haldi (Tumeric) ¼ tablespoon, and Laal Mirch Kuti Wi (Red Pepper) ½ tablespoon. Further add Tikka Masala ½ tablespoon, Garam Masala ½ tablespoon, and Sirka (Vinegar) 2 tablespoon. Finally, you need to add Lemon Sause 1 and Dahi (Yogurt) 2 tablespoon and mix the whole material so all the spices dissolve in the chicken.

Prepare the Paste

Now in the second step, you need Basen (Gram Flour) in a bowl. Add Namak (Salt) ½ tablespoon, Laal Mirch Pessi Wi (Red Pepper) ½ tablespoon, Haldi (Tumeric) ½ tablespoon. Now add Laal Mirch Kuti Wi (Red Pepper) ½ tablespoon, Safaid Zeera (Cumin) ½ tablespoon, and Garam Masala ½ tablespoon. However, a couple more things and you are ready to go. Add Cornflour 1 tablespoon, Suji (Semolina) 1 tablespoon and blend it well. Allow the spices and the mixture to blend in and make close to liquid form like a paste.

Cook the Chicken

Now it’s time to cook the chicken prepared in step 1. Add a little water and cook the chicken on normal heat. However, cook until the water of the chicken dries. Take out the dried Chicken. Fry the chicken with the prepared paste. Your Chicken Pakora Recipe is ready to serve, a little help from Ammi Jaan Kitchen.

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Gurh waley chawal / jaggery rice

Gur Walay Chawal
Gurh waley Chawal

Gur Walay Chawal Recipe

Here is the list of ingredients used in the recipe in the order.


  • One and a half Kg Rice
  • Water
  • 1/2 Kg Chunks of Gur (Jaggery)
  • 2 Big Spoons Oil
  • Few Choti Ilachi (Cardamoms)
  • Longh (Cloves, Few pieces)
  • Half Coconut (Small Pieces)
  • Few pieces of Kishmish (Raisins)

Steps to Prepare Gur Walay Chawal

For this recipe, you will have to do a collection of steps. Step 1 would be to boil water for rice. The next step is to put rice in another bowl of water. When the water is boiled then mix the rice leaving the water on the rice bowl inside the bowl. Mix the rice in the boiling water which is approximately 1 and a half Kg. Separate the boiled water from the rice after boiling rice.

Boil Gur on the Side

Another step you have to do is to take the half Kg chunks of Gur(Jaggery). Boil the pieces of gur with the help of little water at normal heat. Boil it until the pieces of gur melt.

Mix The Two

The third step would be to have 2 Big spoons of Oil, Choti Ilachi (Cardamoms) and Loongh (Cloves) (little pieces) and heat it. Now mix the material prepared in step 2 which is melted gur, with step 3 on normal heat. Now, also mix the water separated, boiled rice from step 1 into this step 3 aswell.

Serve it Fresh

Now you can cut small pieces of coconut and a few pieces of kishmish (Raisins) in the material. Cover the material for 10 minutes at low temperature and serve it to your guests. Gur walay chawal is ready. Hence, all thanks to your Ammi Jaan and her Kitchen.

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Pasta recipe

Pasta with white sauce
Pasta Recipe

Pasta Recipe with white Sauce


  • Pasta 1 cup
  • Boiled chicken 1 cup

Preparing White Sauce

  • Milk 2 cups
  • Salt to taste
  • Black pepper 1 tsp
  • Corn Flour 1 tbsp
  • Butter 1 tsp
  • Garlic powder quarter tsp


Boil macaroni

Boil chicken

Add butter in a pan, put some garlic powder

Then, add chicken

Add some salt and pepper

Add macaroni

Then add milk, check its consistency.

Add corn flour paste to thicken if required.

Add cheese before serving hot.

Garnish with basil leaves if required.